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   chapter of Romans。 That chapter I mend to the careful study of all
   my readers。 I am quite satisfied that it does not describe the
   experience of an unconverted man; or of a young and unestablished
   Christian; but of an old experienced saint in close munion with God。
   None but such a man could say; 〃I delight in the law of God after the
   inward man。〃 (Rom。 vii。 22。) I believe; furthermore; that what I say is
   proved by the experience of all the most eminent servants of Christ
   that have ever lived。 The full proof is to be seen in their journals;
   their autobiographies; and their lives。Believing all this; I shall
   never hesitate to tell people that inward conflict is no proof that a
   man is not holy; and that they must not think they are not sanctified
   because they do not feel entirely free from inward struggle。 Such
   freedom we shall doubtless have in heaven; but we shall never enjoy it
   in this world。 The heart of the best Christian; even at his best; is a
   field occupied by two rival camps; and the 〃pany of two armies。〃
   (Cant。 vi。 13。) Let the words of the Thirteenth and Fifteenth Articles
   be well considered by all Churchmen: 〃The infection of nature doth
   remain in them that are regenerated。〃 〃Although baptized and born again
   in Christ; we offend in many things; and if we say that we have no sin;
   we deceive ourselves; and the truth is not in us。〃 '6'

   (10) Sanctification; again; is a thing which cannot justify a man; and
   yet it pleases God。 This may seem wonderful; and yet it is true。 The
   holiest actions of the holiest saint that ever lived are all more or
   less full of defects and imperfections。 They are either wrong in their
   motive or defective in their performance; and in themselves are nothing
   better than 〃splendid sins;〃 deserving God's wrath and condemnation。 To
   suppose that such actions can stand the severity of God's judgment;
   atone for sin; and merit heaven; is simply absurd。 〃By the deeds of the
   law shall no flesh be justified。〃〃We conclude that a man is justified
   by faith without the deeds of the law。〃 (Rom。 iii。 20…28。) The only
   righteousness in which we can appear before God is the righteousness of
   anothereven the perfect righteousness of our Substitute and
   Representative; Jesus Christ the Lord。 His work; and not our work; is
   our only title to heaven。 This is a truth which we should be ready to
   die to maintain。For all this; however; the Bible distinctly teaches
   that the holy actions of a sanctified man; although imperfect; are
   pleasing in the sight of God。 〃With such sacrifices God is well
   pleased。〃 (Heb。 xiii。 16。) 〃Obey your parents; for this is well
   pleasing to the Lord。〃 (Col。 iii。 20。) 〃We do those things that are
   pleasing in His sight。〃 (1 John iii。 22。) Let this never be forgotten;
   for it is a very fortable doctrine。 Just as a parent is pleased with
   the efforts of his little child to please him; though it be only by
   picking a daisy or walking across a room; so is our Father in heaven
   pleased with the poor performances of His believing children。 He looks
   at the motive; principle; and intention of their actions; and not
   merely at their quantity and quality。 He regards them as members of His
   own dear Son; and for His sake; wherever there is a single eye; He is
   well…pleased。 Those Churchmen who dispute this would do well to study
   the Twelfth Article of the Church of England。

   (11) Sanctification; again; is a thing which will be found absolutely
   necessary as a witness to our character in the great day of judgment。
   It will be utterly useless to plead that we believed in Christ; unless
   our faith has had some sanctifying effect; and been seen in our lives。
   Evidence; evidence; evidence; will be the one thing wanted when the
   great white throne is set; when the books are opened; when the graves
   give up their tenants; when the dead are arraigned before the bar of
   God。 Without some evidence that our faith in Christ was real and
   genuine; we shall only rise again to be condemned。 I can find no
   evidence that will be admitted In that day; except sanctification。 The
   question will not be how we talked and what we professed; but how we
   lived and what we did。 Let no man deceive himself on this point。 If
   anything is certain about the future; it is certain that there will be
   a judgment; and if anything is certain about judgment; it is certain
   that men's 〃works〃 and 〃doings〃 will be considered and examined in it。
   (John v。 29; 2 Cor。 v。 10; Rev。 xx。 13。) He that supposes works are of
   no importance; because they cannot justify us; is a very ignorant
   Christian。 Unless he opens his eyes; he will find to his cost that if
   he es to the bar of God without some evidence of grace; he had
   better never have been born。

   (12) Sanctification; in the last place; is absolutely necessary in
   order to train and prepare us for heaven。 Most men hope to go to heaven
   when they die; but few; it may be feared; take the trouble to consider
   whether they would enjoy heaven if they got there。 Heaven is
   essentially a holy place; its inhabitants are all holy; its occupations
   are all holy。 To be really happy in heaven; it is clear and plain that
   we must be somewhat trained and made ready for heaven while we are on
   earth。 The notion of a purgatory after death; which shall turn sinners
   into saints; is a lying invention of man; and is nowhere taught in the
   Bible。 We must be saints before we die; if we are to be saints
   afterwards in glory。 The favourite idea of many; that dying men need
   nothing except absolution and forgiveness of sins to fit them for their
   great change; is a profound delusion。 We need the work of the Holy
   Spirit as well as the work of Christ; we need renewal of the heart as
   well as the atoning blood; we need to be sanctified as well as to be
   justified。 It is mon to hear people saying on their death…beds; 〃I
   only want the Lord to forgive me my sins; and take me to rest。〃 But
   those who say such things forget that the rest of heaven would be
   utterly useless if we had no heart to enjoy it! What could an
   unsanctified man do in heaven; if by any chance he got there? Let that
   question be fairly looked in the face; and fairly answered。 No man can
   possibly be happy in a place where he is not in his element; and where
   all around him is not congenial to his tastes; habits; and character。
   When an eagle is happy in an iron cage; when a sheep is happy in the
   water; when an owl is happy in the blaze of noonday sun; when a fish is
   happy on the dry landthen; and not till then; will I admit that the
   unsanctified man could be happy in heaven。 '7'

   I lay down these twelve propositions about sanctification with a firm
   persuasion that they are true; and I ask all who read these pages to
   ponder them well。 Each of them would admit of being expanded and
   handled more fully; and all of them deserve private thought and
   consideration。 Some of them may be disputed and contradicted; but I
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