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   here lies a great difference between them。 Justification; I say; is
   perfect; and admits of no degrees; admits of no decays; admits of no
   intermission; nor of any interruption: but sanctification admits of all
   these。 When I say justification is perfect; I mean; that every
   justified man is equally and perfectly justified。 The poorest believer
   that is this day in the world; is justified as much as ever the Apostle
   Paul was; and every true believer is as much justified now as he will
   be a thousand years hence。 Justification is perfect in all them that
   are partakers of it; and to all eternity; it admits of no degrees。 And
   the plain reason of it is thisthe ground of it is the perfect
   righteousness of Jesus Christ; and the entitling us to it is by an act
   of God the gracious Judge; and that act stands for ever; and if God
   justifies; who is he that shall condemn? (Rom。 viii。 33。) But
   sanctification is an imperfect; inplete; changeable thing。 One
   believer is more sanctified than another。 I am apt to believe that the
   Apostle Paul was more sanctified the first hour of his conversion; than
   any man this day in the world。

   〃Sanctification differs greatly as to the persons that are partakers of
   it; and it differs greatly too as to the same man; for a true believer;
   a truly sanctified man; may be more holy and sanctified at one time
   than at another。 There is a work required of usto be perfecting
   holiness in the fear of God (2 Cor。 vii。 1)。 But we are nowhere
   required to be perfecting righteousness in the sight of God; for God
   hath brought in a perfect righteousness; in which we stand; but we are
   to take care; and to give diligence to perfect holiness in the fear of
   God。 A saint in glory is more sanctified than ever he was; for he is
   perfectly so; but he is not more justified than he was。 Nay; a saint in
   heaven is not more justified than a believer on earth is: only they
   know it better; and the glory of that light in which they see it;
   discovers it more brightly and more clearly to them。〃

   From Traill's Sermons; upon 1 Pet。 i。 1…3; vol。 4; p。 71。 Edinburgh
   edition of Traill's Works。 1810。

   (2。) Rev。 Thomas Brooks; Rector of St。 Margaret; Fish Street Hill;
   London。 1662。

   〃Consider the necessity of holiness。 It is impossible that ever you
   should be happy; except you are holy。 No holiness here; no happiness
   hereafter。 The Scripture speaks of three bodily inhabitants of
   heavenEnoch; before the law; Elijah; under the law; and Jesus Christ;
   under the Gospel: all three eminent in holiness; to teach us; that even
   in an ordinary course there is no going to heaven without holiness。
   There are many thousand thousands now in heaven; but not one unholy one
   among them all; there is not one sinner among all those saints; not one
   goat among all those sheep; not one weed among all those flowers; not
   one thorn or prickle among all those roses; not one pebble among all
   those glistering diamonds。 There is not one Cain among all those Abels;
   nor one Ishmael among all those Isaacs; nor one Esau among all those
   Jacobs in heaven。 There is not one Ham among all the patriarchs; not
   one Saul among all the prophets; nor one Judas among all the apostles;
   nor one Demas among all the preachers; nor one Simon Magus among all
   the professors。

   〃Heaven is only for the holy man; and the holy man is only for heaven:
   heaven is a garment of glory; that is only suited to him that is holy。
   God; who is truth itself; and cannot lie; hath said it; that without
   holiness no man shall see the Lord。 Mark that word no man。' Without
   holiness the rich man shall not see the Lord; without holiness the poor
   man shall not see the Lord; without holiness the nobleman shall not see
   the Lord; without holiness the mean man shall not see the Lord; without
   holiness the prince shall not see the Lord; without holiness the
   peasant shall not see the Lord; without holiness the ruler shall not
   see the Lord; without holiness the ruled shall not see the Lord;
   without holiness the learned man shall not see the Lord; without
   holiness the ignorant man shall not see the Lord; without holiness the
   husband shall not see the Lord; without holiness the wife shall not see
   the Lord; without holiness the father shall not see the Lord; without
   holiness the child shall not see the Lord; without holiness the master
   shall not see the Lord; without holiness the servant shall not see the
   Lord。 For faithful and strong is the Lord of hosts that hath spoken
   it。' (Josh。 xxiii。 14。)

   〃In this day some cry up one form; some another; some cry up one Church
   state; some another; some cry up one way; some another; but certainly
   the way of holiness is the good old way (Jer。 vi。 16); it is the King
   of kings' highway to heaven and happiness: And a highway shall be
   there; and a way; and it shall be called The way of holiness; the
   unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the
   wayfaring men; though fools; shall not err therein。' (Isa。 xxxv。 8。)
   Some men say; Lo; here is the way; other men say; Lo; there is the way;
   but certainly the way of holiness is the surest; the safest; the
   easiest; the noblest; and the shortest way to happiness。

   〃Among the heathen; no man could enter into the temple of honour; but
   must first enter the temple of virtue。 There is no entering the temple
   of happiness; except you enter into the temple of holiness。 Holiness
   must first enter into you; before you can enter into God's holy hill。
   As Samson cried out; Give me water; or I die'; or as Rachel cried out;
   Give me children; or I die'; so all unsanctified souls may well cry
   out; Lord; give me holiness; or I die: give me holiness or I eternally
   die。 If the angels; those princes of glory; fall once from their
   holiness; they shall be for ever excluded from everlasting happiness
   and blessedness。 If Adam in paradise fall from his purity; he shall
   quickly be driven out from the presence of Divine glory。 Augustine
   would not be a wicked man; an unholy man; one hour for all the world;
   because he did not know but that he might die that hour; and should he
   die in an unholy estate; he knew he should be for ever separated from
   the presence of the Lord and the glory of His power。

   〃O; sirs; do not deceive your own souls; holiness is of absolute
   necessity; without it you shall never see the Lord。 (2 Thess。 i。 8…10。)
   It is not absolutely necessary that you should be great or rich in the
   world; but it is absolutely necessary that you should be holy: it is
   not absolutely necessary that you should enjoy health; strength;
   friends; liberty; life; but it is absolutely necessary that you should
   be holy。 A man may see the Lord without worldly prosperity; but he can
   never see the Lord except he be holy。 A man may to heaven; to
   happiness; without honour or worldly glory; but he can never to heaven;
   to happiness; without holiness。 Without holiness here; no heaven
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