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   But is there a labouring; heavy…laden one among the readers of this
   book? Is there one who wants to be saved; and feels a vile sinner? I
   say to such an one; 〃e to Christ; and He shall save you。 e to
   Christ; and cast the burden of your soul on Him。 Fear not: only

   Do you fear wrath? Christ can deliver you from the wrath to e。Do
   you feel the curse of a broken law? Christ can redeem you from the
   curse of the law。Do you feel far away? Christ has suffered; to bring
   you nigh to God。Do you feel unclean? Christ's blood can cleanse all
   sin away。Do you feel imperfect? You shall be plete in Christ。Do
   you feel as if you were nothing? Christ shall be 〃all in all〃 to your
   soul。Never did saint reach heaven with any tale but this; 〃I was
   washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb。〃 (Rev。 vii。 14。)

   (b) But again; Christ is not only all in the justification of a true
   Christian; but He is also all in his sanctification。

   I would not have anyone misunderstand me。 I do not mean for a moment to
   undervalue the work of the Spirit。 But this I say; that no man is ever
   holy till he es to Christ and is united to Him。 Till then his works
   are dead works; and he has no holiness at all。First you must be
   joined to Christ; and then you shall be holy。 〃Without Himseparate
   from Himyou can do nothing。〃 (John xv。 5。)

   And no man can grow in holiness except he abides in Christ。 Christ is
   the great root from which every believer must draw his strength to go
   forward。 The Spirit is His special gift; His purchased gift for His
   people。 A believer must not only 〃receive Christ Jesus the Lord;〃 but
   〃walk in Him; and be rooted and built up in Him。〃 (Col。 ii。 6; 7。)

   Would you be holy? Then Christ is the manna you must daily eat; like
   Israel in the wilderness of old。 Would you be holy? Then Christ must be
   the rock from which you must daily drink the living water。 Would you be
   holy? Then you must be ever looking unto Jesuslooking at His cross;
   and learning fresh motives for a closer walk with Godlooking at His
   example; and taking Him for your pattern。 Looking at Him; you would
   bee like Him。 Looking at Him; your face would shine without your
   knowing it。 Look less at yourself and more at Christ; and you will find
   besetting sins dropping off and leaving you; and your eyes enlightened
   more and more every day。 (Heb。 xii。 2; 2 Cor。 iii。 18。)

   The true secret of ing up out of the wilderness is to e up
   〃leaning on the Beloved。〃 (Cant。 viii。 5。) The true way to be strong is
   to realize our weakness and to feel that Christ must be all。 The true
   way to grow in grace is to make use of Christ as a fountain for every
   minute's necessities。 We ought to employ Him as the prophet's wife
   employed the oilnot only to pay our debts; but to live on also。 We
   should strive to be able to say; 〃The life that I now live in the flesh
   I live by the faith of the Son of God; who loved me; and gave Himself
   for me。〃 (2 Kings iv。 7; Gal。 ii。 20。)

   I pity those who try to be holy without Christ! Your labour is all in
   vain。 You are putting money in a bag with holes。 You are pouring water
   into a sieve。 You are rolling a huge round stone uphill。 You are
   building up a wall with untempered mortar。 Believe me; you are
   beginning at the wrong end。 You must e to Christ first; and He shall
   give you His sanctifying Spirit。 You must learn to say with Paul; 〃I
   can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me。〃 (Phil。 iv。

   (c) But again; Christ is not only all in the sanctification of a true
   Christian; but all in his fort in time present。

   A saved soul has many sorrows。 He has a body like other menweak and
   frail。 He has a heart like other menand often a more sensitive one;
   too。 He has trials and losses to bear like othersand often more。 He
   has his share of bereavements; deaths; disappointments; crosses。 He has
   the world to opposea place in life to fill blamelesslyunconverted
   relatives to bear with patientlypersecutions to endureand a death
   to die。

   And who is sufficient for these things? What shall enable a believer to
   bear all this? Nothing but 〃the consolation there is in Christ。〃 (Phil。
   ii。 1。)

   Jesus is indeed the brother born for adversity。 He is the friend that
   sticketh closer than a brother; and He alone can fort His people。 He
   can be touched with the feeling of their infirmities; for He suffered
   Himself。 (Heb。 iv。 15。) He knows what sorrow is; for He was a Man of
   sorrows。 He knows what an aching body is; for His body was racked with
   pain。 He cried; 〃All my bones are out of joint。〃 (Ps。 xxii。 14。) He
   knows what poverty and weariness are; for He was often wearied and had
   not where to lay His head。 He knows what family unkindness is; for even
   His brethren did not believe Him。 He had no honour in His own house。

   And Jesus knows exactly how to fort His afflicted people。 He knows
   how to pour in oil and wine into the wounds of the spirithow to fill
   up gaps in empty heartshow to speak a word in season to the
   wearyhow to heal the broken hearthow to make all our bed in
   sicknesshow to draw nigh when we are faint; and say; 〃Fear not: I am
   thy salvation。〃 (Lam。 iii。 57。)

   We talk of sympathy being pleasant。 There is no sympathy like that of
   Christ。 In all our afflictions He is afflicted。 He knows our sorrows。
   In all our pain He is pained; and like the good Physician; He will not
   measure out to us one drop of sorrow too much。 David once said; 〃In the
   multitude of my thoughts within me; Thy forts delight my soul。〃 (Ps。
   xciv。 19。) Many a believer; I am sure; could say as much。 〃If the Lord
   Himself had not stood by me; the deep waters would have gone over my
   soul;〃 (Ps。 cxxiv。 5。)

   How a believer gets through all his troubles appears wonderful。 How he
   is carried through the fire and water he passes through seems past
   prehension。 But the true account of it is just thisthat Christ is
   not only justification and sanctification; but consolation also。

   Oh; you who want unfailing fort; I mend you to Christ! In Him
   alone there is no failure。 Rich men are disappointed in their
   treasures。 Learned men are disappointed in their books。 Husbands are
   disappointed in their wives。 Wives are disappointed in their husbands。
   Parents are disappointed in their children。 Statesmen are disappointed
   when; after many a struggle; they attain place and power。 They find
   out; to their cost; that it is more pain than pleasurethat it is
   disappointment; annoyance; incessant trouble; worry; vanity; and
   vexation of spirit。 But no man was ever disappointed in Christ。

   (d) But as Christ is all in the forts of a true Christian in time
   present; so Christ is all in his hopes for time to e。

   Few men and women; I suppose; are to be found who do not indulge in
   hopes of some kind about their souls。 But the hopes of the vast
   majority are nothing but vain fancies。 They are built on no solid
   foundation。 No living man bu
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