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   Spirit; not only to justify them; but also to sanctify them。 He is;
   thus; not only their 〃righteousness;〃 but their 〃sanctification。〃 (1
   Cor。 i。 30。) Let us hear what the Bible says: 〃For their sakes I
   sanctify myself; that they also might be sanctified。〃〃Christ loved
   the Church; and gave Himself for it; that He might sanctify and cleanse
   it。〃〃Christ gave Himself for us; that He might redeem us from all
   iniquity; and purify unto Himself a peculiar people; zealous of good
   works。〃〃Christ bore our sins in His own body on the tree; that we;
   being dead to sins; should live unto righteousness。〃〃Christ hath
   reconciled (you) in the body of His flesh through death; to present you
   holy and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight。〃 (John xvii。 19;
   Ephes。 v。 25; Titus ii。 14; 1 Peter ii。 24; Coloss。 i。 22。) Let the
   meaning of these five texts be carefully considered。 If words mean
   anything; they teach that Christ undertakes the sanctification; no less
   than the justification of His believing people。 Both are alike provided
   for in that 〃everlasting covenant ordered in all things and sure;〃 of
   which the Mediator is Christ。 In fact; Christ in one place is called
   〃He that sanctifieth;〃 and His People; 〃they who are sanctified。〃 (Heb。
   ii。 11。)

   The subject before us is of such deep and vast importance; that it
   requires fencing; guarding; clearing up; and marking out on every side。
   A doctrine which is needful to salvation can never be too sharply
   developed; or brought too fully into light。 To clear away the confusion
   between doctrines and doctrines; which is so unhappily mon among
   Christians; and to map out the precise relation between truths and
   truths in religion; is one way to attain accuracy in our theology。 I
   shall therefore not hesitate to lay before my readers a series of
   connected propositions or statements; drawn from Scripture; which I
   think will be found useful in defining the exact nature of

   (1) Sanctification; then; is the invariable result of that vital union
   with Christ which true faith gives to a Christian。〃He that abideth in
   Me; and I in him; the same bringeth forth much fruit。〃 (John xv。 5。)
   The branch which bears no fruit is no living branch of the vine。 The
   union with Christ which produces no effect on heart and life is a mere
   formal union; which is worthless before God。 The faith which has not a
   sanctifying influence on the character is no better than the faith of
   devils。 It is a 〃dead faith; because it is alone。〃 It is not the gift
   of God。 It is not the faith of God's elect。 In short; where there is no
   sanctification of life; there is no real faith in Christ。 True faith
   worketh by love。 In constrains a man to live unto the Lord from a deep
   sense of gratitude for redemption。 It makes him feel that he can never
   do too much for Him that died for him。 Being much forgiven; he loves
   much。 He whom the blood cleanses; walks in the light。 He who has real
   lively hope in Christ; purifieth himself even as He is pure。 (James ii。
   17…20; Titus i。 1; Gal。 v。 6; 1 John i。 7; iii。 3。)

   (2) Sanctification; again; is the oute and inseparable consequence
   of regeneration。 He that is born again and made a new creature;
   receives a new nature and a new principle; and always lives a new life。
   A regeneration which a man can have; and yet live carelessly in sin or
   worldliness; is a regeneration invented by uninspired theologians; but
   never mentioned in Scripture。 On the contrary; St。 John expressly says;
   that 〃He that is born of God doth not mit sindoeth
   righteousnessloveth the brethrenkeepeth himselfand overeth the
   world。〃 (1 John ii。 29; iii。 9…14; v。 4…18。) In a word; where there is
   no sanctification there is no regeneration; and where there is no holy
   life there is no new birth。 This is; no doubt; a hard saying to many
   minds; but; hard or not; it is simple Bible truth。 It is written
   plainly; that he who is born of God is one whose 〃seed remaineth in
   him; and he cannot sin; because he is born of God。〃 (1 John iii。 9。)

   (3) Sanctification; again; is the only certain evidence of that
   indwelling of the Holy Spirit which is essential to salvation。 〃If any
   man have not the Spirit of Christ; he is none of His。〃 (Rom。 viii。 9。)
   The Spirit never lies dormant and idle within the soul: He always makes
   His presence known by the fruit He causes to be borne in heart;
   character; and life。 〃The fruit of the Spirit;〃 says St。 Paul; 〃is
   love; joy; peace; long…suffering; gentleness; goodness; faith;
   meekness; temperance;〃 and such like。 (Gal。 v。 22。) Where these things
   are to be found; there is the Spirit: where these things are wanting;
   men are dead before God。 The Spirit is pared to the wind; and; like
   the wind; He cannot be seen by our bodily eyes。 But just as we know
   there is a wind by the effect it produces on waves; and trees; and
   smoke; so we may know the Spirit is in a man by the effects He produces
   in the man's conduct。 It is nonsense to suppose that we have the
   Spirit; if we do not also 〃walk in the Spirit。〃 (Gal。 v。 25。) We may
   depend on it as a positive certainty; that where there is no holy
   living; there is no Holy Ghost。 The seal that the Spirit stamps on
   Christ's people is sanctification。 As many as are actually 〃led by the
   Spirit of God; they;〃 and they only; 〃are the sons of God。〃 (Rom。 viii。

   (4) Sanctification; again; is the only sure mark of God's election。 The
   names and number of the elect are a secret thing; no doubt; which God
   has wisely kept in His own power; and not revealed to man。 It is not
   given to us in this world to study the pages of the book of life; and
   see if our names are there。 But if there is one thing clearly and
   plainly laid down about election; it is thisthat elect men and women
   may be known and distinguished by holy lives。 It is expressly written
   that they are 〃elect through sanctificationchosen unto salvation
   through sanctificationpredestinated to be conformed to the image of
   God's Sonand chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world that
   they should be holy。〃Hence; when St。 Paul saw the working 〃faith〃 and
   labouring 〃love〃 and patient 〃hope〃 of the Thessalonian believers; he
   says; 〃I know your election of God。〃 (1 Peter i。 2; 2 Thess。 ii。 13;
   Rom。 viii。 29; Eph。 i。 4; 1 Thess。 i。 3; 4。) He that boasts of being
   one of God's elect; while he is wilfully and habitually living in sin;
   is only deceiving himself; and talking wicked blasphemy。 Of course it
   is hard to know what people really are; and many who make a fair show
   outwardly in religion; may turn out at last to be rotten…hearted
   hypocrites。 But where there is not; at least; some appearance of
   sanctification; we may be quite certain there is no election。 The
   Church Catechism correctly and wisely teaches that the Holy Ghost
   〃sanctifieth all the elect people of God。〃

   (5) Sanctification; again; is a thing that will always be seen。 Like
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