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   England will live and not die; and be a blessing to our children's
   children。 Then let us set our feet down firmly and stand fast in our
   position。 Let us not be in a hurry to quit the ship because of a few
   leaks: let us rather man the pumps; and try to keep the good ship
   afloat。 Let us work on; and fight on; and pray on; and stick to the
   Church of England。 The Churchman who walks in these lines; I believe;
   is the Churchman who 〃understands the times。〃


   〃Christ is all。〃Colossians iii。 11。

   THE words of the text which heads this page are few; short; and soon
   spoken; but they contain great things。 Like those golden sayings; 〃To
   me to live is Christ〃〃I live; yet not I; but Christ liveth in me
   〃they are singularly rich and suggestive。 (Phil。 i。 21; Gal。 ii。 20。)

   These three words are the essence and substance of Christianity。 If our
   hearts can really go along with them; it is well with our souls。 If
   not; we may be sure we have yet much to learn。

   Let me try to set before my readers in what sense 〃Christ is all〃; and
   let me ask them; as they read; to judge themselves honestly; that they
   may not make shipwreck in the judgment of the last day。

   I purposely close this volume with a paper on this remarkable text。
   Christ is the mainspring both of doctrinal and practical Christianity。
   A right knowledge of Christ is essential to a right knowledge of
   sanctification as well as justification。 He that follows after holiness
   will make no progress unless he gives to Christ His rightful place。 I
   began the volume with a plain statement about sin。 Let me end it with
   an equally plain statement about Christ。

   I。 First of all; let us understand that Christ is all; in all the
   counsels of God concerning man。

   (a) There was a time when this earth had no being。 Solid as the
   mountains look; boundless as the sea appears; high as the stars in
   heaven lookthey once did not exist。 And man; with all the high
   thoughts he now has of himself; was a creature unknown。

   And where was Christ then?

   Even then Christ was 〃with God 〃and 〃was God〃and was 〃equal with
   God。〃 (John i。 1; Phil。 ii。 6。) Even then He was the beloved Son of the
   Father: 〃Thou lovedst Me;〃 He says; 〃before the foundation of the
   world。〃〃I had glory with Thee before the world began。〃〃I was set up
   from everlasting; from the beginning; or ever the earth was。〃 (John
   xvii。 5; 24; Prov。 viii。 23。) Even then He was the Saviour
   〃foreordained before the foundation of the world〃 (1 Peter i。 20); and
   believers were 〃chosen in Him。〃 (Ephes。 i。 4。)

   (b) There came a time when this earth was created in its present order。
   Sun; moon and starssea; land and all their inhabitants; were called
   into being and made out of chaos and confusion。 And; last of all; man
   was formed out of the dust of the ground。

   And where was Christ then?

   Hear what the Scripture says: 〃All things were made by Him; and without
   Him was not any thing made that was made。〃 (John i。 3。) 〃By Him were
   all things created; that are in heaven and that are in earth。〃 (Colos。
   i。 16。) 〃And Thou; Lord; in the beginning hast laid the foundation of
   the earth; and the heavens are the works of Thine hands。〃 (Heb。 i。 10。)
   〃When He prepared the heavens; I was there: when He set a pass upon
   the face of the depth: when He established the clouds above: when He
   strengthened the foundations of the deep: when He gave to the sea His
   decree; that the water should not pass His mandment: when He
   appointed the foundations of the earth: then I was by Him; as one
   brought up with Him。〃 (Prov。 viii。 27…30。) Can we wonder that the Lord
   Jesus; in His preaching; should continually draw lessons from the book
   of nature? When He spoke of the sheep; the fish; the ravens; the corn;
   the lilies; the fig…tree; the vineHe spoke of things which He Himself
   had made。

   (c) There came a day when sin entered the world。Adam and Eve ate the
   forbidden fruit; and fell。 They lost that holy nature in which they
   were first formed。 They forfeited the friendship and favour of God and
   became guilty; corrupt; helpless; hopeless sinners。 Sin came as a
   barrier between themselves and their holy Father in heaven。 Had He
   dealt with them according to their deserts; there had been nothing
   before them but death; hell; and everlasting ruin。

   And where was Christ then?

   In that very day He was revealed to our trembling parents; as the only
   hope of salvation。 The very day they fell; they were told that 〃the
   seed of the woman should yet bruise the serpent's head;〃that a
   Saviour born of a woman should overe the devil and win for sinful
   man an entrance to eternal life。 (Gen。 iii。 15。) Christ was held up as
   the true light of the world; in the very day of the fall; and never has
   any name been made known from that day by which souls could be saved;
   excepting His。 By Him all saved souls have entered heaven; from Adam
   downwards; and without Him none have ever escaped hell。

   (d) There came a time when the world seemed sunk and buried in
   ignorance of God。 After 4;000 years the nations of the earth appeared
   to have clean forgotten the God that made them。 Egyptian; Assyrian;
   Persian; Grecian; and Roman empires had done nothing but spread
   superstition and idolatry。 Poets; historians; philosophers had proved
   that; with all their intellectual powers; they had no right knowledge
   of God; and that man; left to himself; was utterly corrupt。 〃The world;
   by wisdom; knew not God。〃 (1 Cor。 i。 21。) Excepting a few despised Jews
   in a corner of the earth; the whole world was dead in ignorance and

   And what did Christ do then?

   He left the glory He had had from all eternity with the Father; and
   came down into the world to provide a salvation。 He took our nature
   upon Him; and was born as a man。 As a man He did the will of God
   perfectly; which we all had left undone: as a man He suffered on the
   cross the wrath of God which we ought to have suffered。 He brought in
   everlasting righteousness for us。 He redeemed us from the curse of a
   broken law。 He opened a fountain for all sin and uncleanness。 He died
   for our sins。 He rose again for our justification。 He ascended to God's
   right hand; and there sat down; waiting till His enemies should be made
   His footstool。 And there He sits now; offering salvation to all who
   will e to Him; interceding for all who believe in Him; and managing
   by God's appointment all that concerns the salvation of souls。

   (e) There is a time ing when sin shall be cast out from this
   world。Wickedness shall not always flourish unpunishedSatan shall
   not always reigncreation shall not always groan; being burdened。
   There shall be a time of restitution of all things。 There shall be a
   new heaven and a new earth; wherein dwelleth righteousness; and the
   earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the wat
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