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   Christianity has survived the attacks of Hume and Hobbes and Tindalof
   Collins and Woolston and Bolingbroke and Chubbof Voltaire and Payne
   and Holyoak。 These men made a great noise in their day; and frightened
   weak people; but they produced no more effect than idle travellers
   produce by scratching their names on the great pyramid of Egypt。 Depend
   on it; Christianity in like manner will survive the attacks of the
   clever writers of these times。 The startling novelty of many modern
   objections to Revelation; no doubt; makes them seem more weighty than
   they really are。 It does not follow; however; that hard knots cannot be
   untied because our fingers cannot untie them; or formidable
   difficulties cannot be explained because our eyes cannot see through or
   explain them。 When you cannot answer a sceptic; be content to wait for
   more light; but never forsake a great principle。 In religion; as in
   many scientific questions; said Faraday; 〃the highest philosophy is
   often a judicious suspense of judgment。〃 He that believeth shall not
   make haste: he can afford to wait。

   When sceptics and infidels have said all they can; we must not forget
   that there are three great broad facts which they have never explained
   away; and I am convinced they never can; and never will。 Let me tell
   you briefly what they are。 They are very simple facts; and any plain
   man can understand them。

   (a) The first fact is Jesus Christ Himself。 If Christianity is a mere
   invention of man; and the Bible is not from God; how can infidels
   explain Jesus Christ? His existence in history; they cannot deny。 How
   is it that without force or bribery; without arms or money; He has made
   such an immensely deep mark on the world; as He certainly has? Who was
   He? What was He? Where did He e from? How is it that there never has
   been one like Him; neither before nor after; since the beginning of
   historical times? They cannot explain it。 Nothing can explain it but
   the great foundation principle of revealed religion; that Jesus Christ
   is God; and His Gospel is all true。

   (b) The second fact is the Bible itself。 If Christianity is a mere
   invention of man; and the Bible is of no more authority than any other
   uninspired volume; how is it that the Book is what it is? How is it
   that a Book written by a few Jews in a remote corner of the
   earthwritten at distant periods without consort or collusion among
   the writerswritten by members of a nation which; pared to Greeks
   and Romans; did nothing for literaturehow is it that this Book stands
   entirely alone; and there is nothing that even approaches it; for high
   views of God; for true views of man; for solemnity of thought; for
   grandeur of doctrine; and for purity of morality? What account can the
   infidel give of this Book; so deep; so simple; so wise; so free from
   defects? He cannot explain its existence and nature on his principles。
   We only can do that who hold that the Book is Supernatural and of God。

   (c) The third fact is the effect which Christianity has produced on the
   world。 If Christianity is a mere invention of man; and not a
   supernatural; Divine revelation; how is it that it has wrought such a
   plete alteration in the state of mankind? Any well…read man knows
   that the moral difference between the condition of the world; before
   Christianity was planted and since Christianity took root; is the
   difference between night and day; the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom
   of the devil。 At this very moment; I defy anyone to look at the map of
   the world; and pare the countries where men are Christians with
   those where men are not Christians; and to deny that these countries
   are as different as light and darkness; black and white。 How can any
   infidel explain this on his principles? He cannot do it。 We only can
   who believe that Christianity came down from God; and is the only
   Divine religion in the world。

   Whenever you are tempted to be alarmed at the progress of infidelity;
   look at the three facts I have just mentioned; and cast your fears
   away。 Take up your position boldly behind the ramparts of these three
   facts; and you may safely defy the utmost efforts of modern sceptics。
   They may often ask you a hundred questions you cannot answer; and start
   ingenious problems about various readings; or inspiration; or geology;
   or the origin of man; or the age of the world; which you cannot solve。
   They may vex and irritate you with wild speculations and theories; of
   which at the time you cannot prove the fallacy; though you feel it。 But
   be calm and fear not。 Remember the three great facts I have named; and
   boldly challenge sceptics to explain them。 away。 The difficulties of
   Christianity no doubt are great; but; depend on it; they are nothing
   pared to the difficulties of infidelity。

   II。 In the second place; the times require at our hands distinct and
   decided views of Christian doctrine。

   I cannot withhold my conviction that the professing Church of the
   nineteenth century is as much damaged by laxity and indistinctness
   about matters of doctrine within; as it is by sceptics and unbelievers
   without。 Myriads of professing Christians nowadays seem utterly unable
   to distinguish things that differ。 Like people afflicted with
   colour…blindness; they are incapable of discerning what is true and
   what is false; what is sound and what is unsound。 If a preacher of
   religion is only clever and eloquent and earnest; they appear to think
   he is all right; however strange and heterogeneous his sermons may be。
   They are destitute of spiritual sense; apparently; and cannot detect
   error。 Popery or Protestantism; an atonement or no atonement; a
   personal Holy Ghost or no Holy Ghost; future punishment or no future
   punishment; High Church or Low Church or Broad Church; Trinitarianism;
   Arianism; or Unitarianism; nothing es amiss to them: they can
   swallow it all; if they cannot digest it! Carried away by a fancied
   liberality and charity; they seem to think everybody is right and
   nobody is wrong; every clergyman is sound and none are unsound;
   everybody is going to be saved and nobody going to be lost。 Their
   religion is made up of negatives; and the only positive thing about
   them is that they dislike distinctness and think all extreme and
   decided and positive views are very naughty and very wrong!

   These people live in a kind of mist or fog。 They see nothing clearly;
   and do not know what they believe。 They have not made up their minds
   about any great point in the Gospel; and seem content to be honorary
   members of all schools of thought。 For their lives they could not tell
   you what they think is truth about justification; or regeneration; or
   sanctification; or the Lord's Supper; or baptism; or faith; or
   conversion; or inspiration; or the future state。 They are eaten up with
   a morbid dread of controversy and an ignorant dislike of party spirit;
   and yet they really cannot define what they mean by the
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