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   him in charge of an organized Church; is this pithy sentence; 〃Preach
   the Word。〃 (2 Tim。 iv。 2。) In short; I believe St。 Paul would have us
   understand that; however various the works for which the Christian
   minister is set apart; his first; foremost; and principal work is to be
   the preacher and proclaimer of God's Word。

   But; while we refuse to allow that a sacrificing priesthood has any
   warrant of Scripture; let us beware in these days that we do not rush
   into the extreme of undervaluing the office which the minister of
   Christ holds。 There is some danger in this direction。 Let us grasp
   firmly certain fixed principles about the Christian ministry; and;
   however strong our dislike of priesthood and aversion to Romanism; let
   nothing tempt us to let these principles slip out of our hands。 Surely
   there is solid middle ground between a grovelling idolatry of
   sacerdotalism on one hand; and a disorderly anarchy on the other。
   Surely it does not follow; because we will not be Papists in this
   matter of the ministry; that we must needs be Quakers or Plymouth
   Brethren。 '47' This; at any rate; was not in the mind of St。 Paul。

   (a) For one thing; let us settle it firmly in our minds that the
   ministerial office is a Scriptural Institution。 I need not weary you
   with quotations to prove this point。 I will simply advise you to read
   the Epistles to Timothy and Titus and judge for yourselves。 If these
   Epistles do not authorize a ministry; there is; to my mind; no meaning
   in words。 Take a jury of the first twelve intelligent; honest;
   disinterested; unprejudiced men you can find; and set them down with a
   New Testament to examine this question by them selves: 〃Is the
   Christian ministry a Scriptural thing or not?〃 I have no doubt what
   their verdict would be。

   (b) For another thing; let us settle it in our minds that the
   ministerial office is a most wise and useful provision of God。 It
   secures the regular maintenance of all Christ's ordinances and means of
   grace。 It provides an undying machinery for promoting the awakening of
   sinners and the edification of saints。 All experience proves that
   everybody's business soon bees nobody's business; and if this is
   true in other matters; it is no less true in the matter of religion。
   Our God is a God of order; and a God who works by means; and we have no
   right to expect His cause to be kept up by constant miraculous
   interpositions; while His servants stand idle。 For the uninterrupted
   preaching of the Word and administration of the sacraments; no better
   plan can be devised than the appointment of a regular order of men who
   shall give themselves wholly to Christ's business。

   (c) For another thing; let us settle it firmly in our minds that the
   ministerial office is an honourable privilege。 It is an honour to be
   the Ambassador of a King: the very person of such an officer of state
   is respected; and called legally sacred。 It is an honour to bear the
   tidings of a victory such as Trafalgar and Waterloo: before the
   invention of telegraphs it was a highly coveted distinction。 But how
   much greater honour is it to be the ambassador of the King of kings;
   and to proclaim the good news of the conquest achieved on Calvary! To
   serve directly such a Master; to carry such a message; to know that the
   results of our work; if God shall bless it; are eternal; this is indeed
   a privilege。 Other labourers may work for a corruptible crown; but the
   minister of Christ for an incorruptible。 Never is a land in worse
   condition than when the ministers of religion have caused their office
   to be ridiculed and despised。 It is a tremendous word in Malachi: 〃I
   have made you contemptible and base before all the people; according as
   ye have not kept my ways。〃 (Malachi ii。 9。) But; whether men will hear
   or forbear; the office of a faithful ambassador is honourable。 It was a
   fine saying of an old missionary on his death…bed; who died at the age
   of ninety…six; 〃The very best thing that a man can do is to preach the

   Let me leave this branch of my subject with an earnest request that all
   who pray will never forget to make supplications and prayers and
   intercession for the ministers of Christthat there never may be
   wanting a due supply of them at home and in the mission fieldthat
   they may be kept sound in the faith and holy in their lives; and that
   they make take heed to themselves as well as to the doctrine。 (1 Tim。
   iv。 16。)

   Oh; remember that while our office is honourable; useful; and
   Scriptural; it is also one of deep and painful responsibility! We watch
   for souls 〃as those who must give account〃 at the judgment day。 (Heb。
   xiii。 17。) If souls are lost through unfaithfulness; their blood will
   be required at our hands。 If we had only to read services and
   administer sacraments; to wear a peculiar dress and go through a round
   of ceremonies; and bodily exercises; and gestures; and postures; our
   position would be paratively light。 But this is not all。 We have got
   to deliver our Master's messageto keep back nothing that is
   profitable…to declare all the counsel of God。 If we tell our
   congregations less than the truth or more than the truth; we may ruin
   for ever immortal souls。 Life and death are in the power of the
   preacher's tongue。 〃Woe is unto us if we preach not the Gospel!〃 (1
   Cor。 ix。 16。)

   Once more I say; Pray for us。 Who is sufficient for these things?
   Remember the old saying of the Fathers: 〃None are in more spiritual
   danger than ministers。〃 It is easy to criticise and find fault with us。
   We have a treasure in earthen vessels。 We are men of like passions with
   yourselves; and not infallible。 Pray for us in these trying; tempting;
   controversial days; that our Church may never lack bishops; priests;
   and deacons who are sound in the faith; bold as lions; 〃wise as
   serpents; and yet harmless as doves。〃 (Matt。 x。 16。) The very man who
   said 〃Grace is given me to preach;〃 is the same man who said; in
   another place; 〃Pray for us; that the word of the Lord may have free
   course; and be glorified; and that we may be delivered from
   unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith。〃 (2 Thess。
   iii。 1; 2。)

   III。 Let us now notice; in the last place; what St。 Paul says of the
   great subject of his preaching。 He calls it 〃the unsearchable riches of

   That the converted man of Tarsus should preach 〃Christ〃 is no more than
   we might expect from his antecedents。 Having found peace through the
   blood of the cross himself; we may be sure he would always tell the
   story of the cross to others。 He never wasted precious time in exalting
   a mere rootless morality; in descanting on vague abstractions and empty
   platitudessuch as 〃the true;〃 and 〃the noble;〃 and 〃the earnest;〃 and
   〃the beautiful;〃 and 〃the germs of goodness in human nature;〃 and the
   like。 He always went to the root of the matter; and showed men their
   great family disease; thei
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