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   you must wait for more light。 Will a tired man say that he is too tired
   to lie down? or a drowning man; that he knows not how to lay hold on
   the hand stretched out to help him? or the shipwrecked sailor; with a
   life…boat alongside the stranded hulk; that he knows not how to jump
   in? Oh; cast away these vain excuses! Arise; and e! The door is not
   shut。 The fountain is not yet closed。 The Lord Jesus invites you。 It is
   enough that you feel thirsting; and desire to be saved。 e: e to
   Christ without delay。 Who ever came to the fountain for sin and found
   it dry? Who ever went unsatisfied away?

   (3) But have you e to Christ already; and found relief? Then e
   nearer; nearer still。 The closer your munion with Christ; the more
   fort you will feel。 The more you daily live by the side of the
   Fountain; the more you shall feel in yourself 〃a well of water
   springing up into everlasting life。〃 (John iv。 14。) You shall not only
   be blessed yourself; but be a source of blessing to others。

   In this evil world you may not perhaps feel all the sensible fort
   you could desire。 But remember you cannot have two heavens。 Perfect
   happiness is yet to e。 The devil is not yet bound。 There is 〃a good
   time ing〃 for all who feel their sins and e to Christ; and mit
   their thirsting souls to His keeping。 When He es again they will be
   pletely satisfied。 They will remember all the way by which they were
   led; and see the need…be of everything that befell them。 Above all;
   they will wonder that they could ever live so long without Christ; and
   hesitate about ing to Him。

   There is a pass in Scotland called Glencroe; which supplies a beautiful
   illustration of what heaven will be to the souls who e to Christ。
   The road through Glencroe carries the traveller up a long and steep
   ascent; with many a little turn and winding in its course。 But when the
   top of the pass is reached; a stone is seen by the wayside with these
   simple words inscribed upon it:〃Rest; and be thankful。〃 Those words
   describe the feelings with which every thirsting one who es to
   Christ will enter heaven。 The summit of the narrow way will at length
   be ours。 We shall cease from our weary journeyings; and sit down in the
   kingdom of God。 We shall look back on all the way of our lives with
   thankfulness; and see the perfect wisdom of every step in the steep
   ascent by which we were led。 We shall forget the toil of the upward
   journey in the glorious rest。 Here; in this world; our sense of rest in
   Christ at best is feeble and partial: we hardly seem at times to taste
   fully 〃the living water。〃 But when that which is perfect is e; then
   that which is imperfect shall be done away。 〃When we awake up after His
   likeness we shall be satisfied。〃 (Psalm xvii。 15。) We shall drink out
   of the river of His pleasures and thirst no more。


   THERE is a passage in an old writer which throws so much light on some
   points mentioned in this paper; that I make no excuse for giving it to
   the reader in its entirety。 It es from a work which is little known
   and less read。 It has done me good; and I think it may do good to

   〃When a man is awakened; and brought to that that all must be brought
   to; or to worse; What shall I do to be saved?' (Acts xvi。 30; 31); we
   have the apostolic answer to it: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ; and
   thou shalt be saved; and thy house。' This answer is so old that with
   many it seems out of date。 But it is still and will ever be fresh; and
   new; and savoury; and the only resolution of this grand case of
   conscience; as long as conscience and the world lasts。 No wit or art of
   man will ever find a crack or flaw in it; or devise another or a better
   answer; nor can any but this alone heal rightly the wound of an
   awakened conscience。

   〃Let us set this man to seek resolution and relief in this case of some
   masters in our Israel。 According to their principles they must say to
   him; Repent; and mourn for your known sins; and leave them and loath
   them; and God will have mercy on you。' Alas!' (saith the poor man); my
   heart is hard; and I cannot repent aright: yea; I find my heart more
   hard and vile than when I was secure in sin。' If you speak to this man
   of qualifications for Christ; he knows nothing of them; if of sincere
   obedience; his answer is native and ready: Obedience is the work of a
   living man; and sincerity is only in a renewed soul。' Sincere obedience
   is; therefore; as impossible to a dead unrenewed sinner as perfect
   obedience is。 Why should not the right answer be given to the awakened
   sinner: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ; and you shall be saved'? Tell
   him what Christ is; what He hath done and suffered to obtain eternal
   redemption for sinners; and that according to the will of God and His
   Father。 Give him a plain downright narrative of the Gospel salvation
   wrought out by the Son of God; tell him the history and mystery of the
   Gospel plainly。 It may be the Holy Ghost will work faith thereby; as He
   did m those first fruits of the Gentiles。 (Acts x。 44。)

   〃If he ask; What warrant he hath to believe on Jesus Christ? tell him
   that he hath utter indispensable necessity for it; for without
   believing on Him; he must perish eternally。 Tell him that he hath God's
   gracious offer of Christ and all His redemption; with a promise; that
   upon accepting the offer by faith; Christ and salvation with Him is
   his。 Tell him that he hath God's express mandment (1 John iii。 23)
   to believe on Christ's name; and that he should make conscience of
   obeying it; as well as any mand in the moral law。 Tell him of
   Christ's ability and good…will to save; that no man was ever rejected
   by Him that cast himself upon Him; that desperate cases are the
   glorious triumphs of His art of saving。 Tell him that there is no midst
   (or medium) between faith and unbelief; that there is no excuse for
   neglecting the one and continuing in the other; that believing on the
   Lord Jesus for salvation is more pleasing to God than all obedience to
   His law; and that unbelief is the most provoking to God; and the most
   damning to man; of all sins。 Against the greatness of his sins; the
   curse of the law; and the severity of God as Judge; there is no relief
   to be held forth to him; but the free and boundless grace of God in the
   merit of Christ's satisfaction by the sacrifice of Himself。

   〃If he should say; What is it to believe on Jesus Christ? As to this; I
   find no such question in the Word; but that all did some way understand
   the notion of it: the Jews that did not believe on Him (John vi。
   28…30); the chief priests and Pharisees (John vii。 48); the blind man。
   (John ix。 35。) When Christ asked him; Believest thou on the Son of God?
   he answered; Who is He; Lord; that I may believe on Him? Immediately;
   when Christ had told him (verse 37); he saith not; What is it to
   believe on Him? but; Lord; I believe; and worshipped Him: and so both
   professed and acted fai
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