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   and independent of Christ? There is no such love and mercy recorded in
   Scripture。 Know this day that God out of Christ is 〃a consuming fire。〃
   (Heb。 xii。 29。) Merciful He is; beyond all question: rich in mercy;
   plenteous in mercy。 But His mercy is inseparably connected with the
   mediation of His beloved Son Jesus Christ。 It must flow through Him as
   the appointed channel; or it cannot flow at all。 It is written; 〃He
   that honoureth not the Son; honoureth not the Father which hath sent
   Him。〃〃I am the way; the truth; and the life: No man eth unto the
   Father but by Me。〃 (John v。 23; xiv。 6。) 〃Without Christ〃 we are
   without God。

   (b) For another thing; to be without Christ is to be without peace。
   Every man has a conscience within him; which must be satisfied before
   he can be truly happy。 So long as this conscience is asleep or half
   dead; so long; no doubt; he gets along pretty well。 But as soon as a
   man's conscience wakes up; and he begins to think of past sins; and
   present failings; and future judgment; at once he finds out that he
   needs something to give him inward rest。 But what can do it? Repenting;
   and praying; and Bible…reading; and church…going; and
   sacrament…receiving; and self…mortification may be tried; and tried in
   vain。 They never yet took off the burden from anyone's conscience。 And
   yet peace must be had!

   There is only one thing can give peace to the conscience; and that is
   the blood of Jesus Christ sprinkled on it。 A clear understanding that
   Christ's death was an actual payment of our debt to God; and that the
   merit of that death is made over to man when he believes; is the grand
   secret of inward peace。 It meets every craving of conscience。 It
   answers every accusation。 It calms every fear。 It is written; 〃These
   things I have spoken unto you; that in Me ye might have peace。〃 〃He is
   our peace。〃 〃Being justified by faith; we have peace with God through
   our Lord Jesus Christ。〃 (John xvi。 33; Ephes。 ii。 14; Rom。 v。 1。) We
   have peace through the blood of His cross: peace like a deep
   minepeace like an everflowing stream。 But 〃without Christ〃 we are
   without peace。

   (e) For another thing; to be without Christ is to be without hope。 Hope
   of some sort or other almost everyone thinks he possesses。 Rarely
   indeed will you find a man who will boldly tell you that he has no hope
   at all about his soul。 But how few there are that can give 〃a reason of
   the hope that is in them!〃 (1 Pet。 iii。 15。) How few can explain it;
   describe it; and show its foundations! How many a hope is nothing
   better than a vague; empty feeling; which the day of sickness and the
   hour of death will prove to be utterly uselessimpotent alike to
   fort or to save。

   There is but one hope that has roots; life; strength and solidity; and
   that is the hope which is built on the great rock of Christ's work and
   office as man's Redeemer。 〃Other foundation can no man lay than that is
   laid; which is Jesus Christ。〃 (1 Cor。 iii。 11。) He that buildeth on
   this cornerstone 〃shall not be confounded。〃 About this hope there is
   reality。 It will bear looking at and handling。 It will meet every
   enquiry。 Search it through and through; and you will find no flaw
   whatever in it。 All other hopes besides this are worthless。 Like
   summer…dried fountains; they fail man just when his need is the sorest。
   They are like unsound ships; which look well so long as they lie quiet
   in harbour; but when the winds and the waves of the ocean begin to try
   them; their rotten condition is discovered; and they sink beneath the
   waters。 There is no such thing as a good hope without Christ; and
   〃without Christ〃 is to have 〃no hope。〃 (Eph。 ii。 12。)

   (d) For another thing; to be without Christ is to be without heaven。 In
   saying this I do not merely mean that there is no entrance into heaven;
   but that 〃without Christ〃 there could be no happiness in being there。 A
   man without a Saviour and Redeemer could never feel at home in heaven。
   He would feel that he had no lawful right or title to be there:
   boldness and confidence and ease of heart would be impossible。 Amidst
   pure and holy angels; under the eyes of a pure and holy God; he could
   not hold up his head: he would feel confounded and ashamed。 It is the
   very essence of all true views of heaven that Christ is there。

   Who art thou that dreamest of a heaven in which Christ has no place?
   Awake to know thy folly。 Know that in every description of heaven which
   the Bible contains; the presence of Christ is one essential feature。
   〃In the midst of the throne;〃 says St; John; 〃stood a Lamb as it had
   been slain。〃 The very throne of heaven is called the 〃throne of God and
   of the Lamb。〃〃The Lamb is the light of heaven; and the temple of
   it。〃The saints who dwell in heaven are to be 〃fed by the Lamb;〃 and
   〃led to living fountains of waters。〃 The meeting of the saints in
   heaven is called; 〃the marriage supper of the Lamb。〃 (Rev。 v。 6; xxii。
   3; xxi。 22; 23; vii。 17; xix。 9。) A heaven without Christ would not be
   the heaven of the Bible。 To be 〃without Christ〃 is to be without

   I might easily add to these things。 I might tell you that to be without
   Christ is to be without fife; without strength; without safety; without
   foundation; without a friend in heaven; without righteousness。 None so
   badly off as those that are without Christ!

   What the ark was to Noah; what the passover lamb was to Israel in
   Egypt; what the manna; the smitten rock; the brazen serpent; the pillar
   of cloud and fire; the scapegoat; were to the tribes in the wilderness;
   all this the Lord Jesus is meant to be to man's soul。 None so destitute
   as those that are without Christ!

   What the root is to the branches; what the air is to our lungs; what
   food and water are to our bodies; what the sun is to creation; all this
   and much more Christ is intended to be to us。 None so helpless; none so
   pitiable as those that are without Christ!

   I grant that; if there were no such things as sickness and deathif
   men and women never grew old; and lived on this earth for everthe
   subject of this paper would be of no importance。 But you must know that
   sickness; death; and the grave are sad realities。

   If this life were allif there were no judgment; no heaven; no hell;
   no eternityit would be mere waste of time to trouble yourself with
   such inquiries as this tract suggests。 But you have got a conscience。
   You know well that there is a reckoning…day beyond the grave。 There is
   a judgment yet to e。

   Surely the subject of this paper is no light matter。 It is not a small
   thing; and one that does not signify。 It demands the attention of every
   sensible person。 It lies at the very root of that all…important
   question; the salvation of our souls。 To be 〃without Christ〃 is to be
   most miserable。

   (1) And now I ask every one who has read this paper through to examine
   himself and find out his own precise condition。 Are you without C
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