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   with the world's Christianity! Tremble; tremble and repent。

   (5) In the last place; let me warn every one who professes to be a
   believer in the Lord Jesus; not to be content with a little religion。

   Of all sights in the Church of Christ; I know none more painful to my
   own eyes than a Christian contented and satisfied with a little grace;
   a little repentance; a little faith; a little knowledge; a little
   charity; and a little holiness。 I do beseech and entreat every
   believing soul that reads this tract not to be that kind of man。 If you
   have any desires after usefulnessif you have any wishes to promote
   your Lord's gloryif you have any longings after much inward peacebe
   not content with a little religion。

   Let us rather seek; every year we live; to make more spiritual progress
   than we have doneto grow in grace; and in the knowledge of the Lord
   Jesusto grow in humility and self…acquaintanceto grow in
   spirituality and heavenly…mindednessto grow in conformity to the
   image of our Lord。

   Let us beware of leaving our first love like Ephesusof being
   lukewarm like Laodiceaof tolerating false practices like Pergamosof
   tampering with false doctrine like Thyatiraof being half dead;
   ready to die; like Sardis。

   Let us rather covet the best gifts。 Let us aim at eminent holiness。 Let
   us endeavour to be like Smyrna and Philadelphia。 Let us hold fast what
   we have already; and continually seek to have more。 Let us labour to be
   unmistakable Christians。 Let it not be our distinctive character that
   we are men of scienceor men of literary attainmentsor men of the
   worldor men of pleasure; or men of businessbut 〃men of God。〃 Let us
   so live that all may see that to us the things of God are the first
   things; and the glory of God the first aim in our livesto follow
   Christ our grand object in time presentto be with Christ our grand
   desire in time to e。

   Let us live in this way; and we shall be happy。 Let us live in this
   way; and we shall do good to the world。 Let us live in this way; and we
   shall leave good evidence behind us when we are buried。 Let us live in
   this way; and the Spirit's word to the Churches will not have been
   spoken to us in vain。


   〃Lovest thou Me?〃John xxi。 16。

   THE question which heads this paper was addressed by Christ to the
   Apostle Peter。 A more important question could not be asked。 Nineteen
   hundred years have passed away since the words were spoken。 But to this
   very day the inquiry is most searching and useful。

   A disposition to love somebody is one of the monest feelings which
   God has implanted in human nature。 Too often; unhappily; people set
   their affection on unworthy objects。 I want this day to claim a place
   for Him who alone is worthy of all our hearts' best feelings。 I want
   men to give some of their love to that Divine Person who loved us; and
   gave Himself for us。 In all their loving; I would have them not forget

   Suffer me to press this mighty subject upon the attention of every
   reader of this paper。 This is no matter for mere enthusiasts and
   fanatics。 It deserves the consideration of every reasonable Christian
   who believes the Bible。 Our very salvation is bound up with it。 Life or
   death; heaven or hell; depend on our ability to answer the simple
   question 〃Do you love Christ? 〃

   There are two points which I wish to bring forward in opening up this

   I。 In the first place; let me show the peculiar feeling of a true
   Christian towards Christhe loves Him。

   A true Christian is not a mere baptized man or woman。 He is something
   more。 He is not a person who only goes; as a matter of form; to a
   church or chapel on Sundays and lives all the rest of the week as if
   there was no God。 Formality is not Christianity。 Ignorant lip…worship
   is not true religion。 The Scripture speaketh expressly: 〃They are not
   all Israel which are of Israel。〃 (Rom。 ix。 6。) The practical lesson of
   those words is clear and plain。 All are not true Christians who are
   members of the visible Church of Christ。

   The true Christian is one whose religion is in his heart and life。 It
   is felt by himself in his heart。 It is seen by others in his conduct
   and life。 He feels his sinfulness; guilt and badness; and repents。 He
   sees Jesus Christ to be that Divine Saviour whom his soul needs; and
   mits himself to Him。 He puts off the old man with his corrupt and
   carnal habits and puts on the new man。 He lives a new and holy life;
   fighting habitually against the world; the flesh and the devil。 Christ
   Himself is the corner…stone of his Christianity。 Ask him in what he
   trusts for the forgiveness of his many sins; and he will tell you in
   the death of Christ。Ask him in what righteousness he hopes to stand
   innocent at the judgment day; and he will tell you it is the
   righteousness of Christ。Ask him by what pattern he tries to frame his
   life; and he will tell you that it is the example of Christ。

   But; beside all this; there is one thing in a true Christian which is
   eminently peculiar to him。 That thing is love to Christ。 Knowledge;
   faith; hope; reverence; obedience; are all marked features in a true
   Christian's character。 But his picture would be very imperfect if you
   omitted his 〃love〃 to his Divine Master。 He not only knows; trusts; and
   obeys。 He goes further than thishe loves。

   This peculiar mark of a true Christian is one which we find mentioned
   several times in the Bible。 〃Faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ〃 is an
   expression which many Christians are familiar with。 Let it never be
   forgotten that love is mentioned by the Holy Ghost in almost as strong
   terms as faith。 Great as the danger is of him 〃that believeth not;〃 the
   danger of him that 〃loveth not〃 is equally great。 Not believing and not
   loving are both steps to everlasting ruin。

   Hear what St。 Paul says to the Corinthians: 〃If any man love not the
   Lord Jesus Christ; let him be Anathema Maran…atha。〃 (1 Cor。 22。) St。
   Paul allows no way of escape to the man who does not love Christ。 He
   leaves him no loophole or excuse。 A man may lack clear head…knowledge
   and yet be saved。 He may fail in courage and be overe by the fear of
   man; like Peter。 He may fall tremendously; like David; and yet rise
   again。 But if a man does not love Christ he is not in the way of life。
   The curse is yet upon him。 He is on the broad road that leadeth to

   Hear what St。 Paul says to the Ephesians; 〃Grace be with all them that
   love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity。〃 (Eph。 vi。 24。) The Apostle is
   here sending his good wishes; and declaring his good will to all true
   Christians。 Many of them; no doubt; he had never seen。 Many of them in
   the early Churches; we may be very sure; were weak in faith; and
   knowledge; and self…denial。 How; then; shall he describe them in
   sending his message? What words can 
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