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   record on high。

   (a) When Moses refused the pleasures of sin in Egypt; and chose
   affliction with the people of Godthis was overing: he overcame the
   love of pleasure。

   (b) When Micaiah refused to prophesy smooth things to king Ahab; though
   he knew he would be persecuted if he spoke the truththis was
   overing: he overcame the love of ease。

   (c) When Daniel refused to give up praying; though he knew the den of
   lions was prepared for himthis was overing: he overcame the fear
   of death。

   (d) When Matthew rose from the receipt of custom at our Lord's bidding;
   left all and followed Himthis was overing: he overcame the love of

   (e) When Peter and John stood up boldly before the council and said;
   〃We cannot but speak the things we have seen and heard〃this was
   overing: they overcame the fear of man。

   (f) When Saul the Pharisee gave up all his prospects of preferment
   among the Jews; and preached that very Jesus whom he had once
   persecutedthis was overing: he overcame the love of man's praise。

   The same kind of thing which these men did you must also do if you
   would be saved。 They were men of like passions with yourself; and yet
   they overcame。 They had as many trials as you can possibly have; and
   yet they overcame。 They fought。 They wrestled。 They struggled。 You must
   do the same。

   What was the secret of their victory?their faith。 They believed on
   Jesus; and believing were made strong。 They believed on Jesus; and
   believing were held up。 In all their battles; they kept their eyes on
   Jesus; and He never left them nor forsook them。 〃They overcame by the
   blood of the Lamb; and the word of their testimony;〃 and so may you。
   (Rev。 xii。 11。)

   I set these words before you。 I ask you to lay them to heart。 Resolve;
   by the grace of God; to be an overing Christian。

   I fear much for many professing Christians。 I see no sign of fighting
   in them; much less of victory。 They never strike one stroke on the side
   of Christ。 They are at peace with His enemies。 They have no quarrel
   with sin。I warn you; this is not Christianity。 This is not the way to

   I often fear much for those who hear the Gospel regularly; i fear lest
   you bee so familiar with the sound of its doctrines; that insensibly
   you bee dead to its power。 I fear lest your religion should sink
   down into a little vague talk about your own weakness and corruption;
   and a few sentimental expressions about Christ; while real; practical
   fighting on Christ's side is altogether neglected。 Oh! beware of this
   state of mind。 〃Be doers of the word; and not hearers only。〃 No
   victoryno crown! Fight and overe! (James i。 22。)

   Young men and women; and specially those who have been brought up in
   religious families; I fear much for you。 I fear lest you get a habit of
   giving way to every temptation。 I fear lest you bee afraid of
   saying; 〃No!〃 to the world and the deviland; when sinners entice you;
   think it least trouble to consent。 Beware; I do beseech you; of giving
   way。 Every concession will make you weaker。 Go into the world resolved
   to fight Christ's battleand fight your way on。

   Believers in the Lord Jesus; of every Church and rank in life; I feel
   much for you。 I know your course is hard。 I know it is a sore battle
   you have to fight。 I know you are often tempted to say; 〃It is of no
   use;〃 and to lay down your arms altogether。

   Cheer up; dear brethren and sisters。 Take fort; I entreat you。 Look
   at the bright side of your position。 Be encouraged to fight on。 The
   time is short。 The Lord is at hand。 The night is far spent。 Millions as
   weak as you have fought the same fight。 Not one of all those millions
   has been finally led captive by Satan。 Mighty are your enemiesbut the
   Captain of your salvation is mightier still。His arm; His grace; and
   His Spirit shall hold you up。 Cheer up。 Be not cast down。

   What though you lose a battle or two? You shall not lose all。 What
   though you faint sometimes? You shall not be quite cast down。 What
   though you fall seven times? You shall not be destroyed。 Watch against
   sin; and sin shall not have dominion over you。 Resist the devil; and he
   shall flee from you。 e out boldly from the world; and the world
   shall be obliged to let you go。 You shall find yourselves in the end
   more than conquerorsyou shall 〃overe。〃

   Let me draw from the whole subject a few words of application; and then
   I have done。

   (1) For one thing; let me warn all who are living only for the world;
   to take heed what they are doing。 You are enemies to Christ; though you
   may not know it。 He marks your ways; though you turn your backs on Him;
   and refuse to give Him your hearts。 He is observing your daily life;
   and reading your daily ways。 There will yet be a resurrection of all
   your thoughts; words and actions。 You may forget them; but God does
   not。 You may be careless about them; but they are carefully marked down
   in the book of remembrance。 Oh! worldly man; think of this! Tremble;
   tremble and repent。

   (2) For another thing; let me warn all formalists and self…righteous
   people to take heed that they are not deceived。 You fancy you will go
   to heaven because you go regularly to church。 You indulge an
   expectation of eternal life; because you are always at the Lord's
   table; and are never missing in your pew。 But where is your repentance?
   Where is your faith? Where are your evidences of a new heart? Where is
   the work of the Spirit? Where are your evidences of regeneration? Oh;
   formal Christian; consider these questions! Tremble; tremble and

   (3) For another thing; let me warn all careless members of Churches to
   beware lest they trifle their souls into hell。 You live on year after
   year as if there was no battle to be fought with sin; the world; and
   the devil。 You pass through life a smiling; laughing; gentlemanlike or
   lady…like person; and behave as if there was no devil; no heaven; and
   no hell。 Oh; careless Churchman; or careless Dissenter; careless
   Episcopalian; careless Presbyterian; careless Independent; careless
   Baptist; awake to see eternal realities in their true light! Awake and
   put on the armour of God! Awake and fight hard for life! Tremble;
   tremble and repent。

   (4) For another thing; let me warn every one who wants to be saved; not
   to be content with the world's standard of religion。 Surely; no man
   with his eyes open can fail to see that the Christianity of the New
   Testament is something far higher and deeper than the Christianity of
   most professing Christians。 The formal; easy…going; do…little thing
   which most people call religion; is evidently not the religion of the
   Lord Jesus。 The things that He praises in these seven Epistles are not
   praised by the world。 The things that He blames are not things in which
   the world sees any harm。 Oh; if you would follow Christ; be not content
   with the world's Christianity! Tremble; tremble and repent。

   (5) In the las
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