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63。 Should any bhikkhu knowingly agitate for the reviving of an issue that has been rightfully dealt with; it is to be confessed。 
63。 任何比丘在知道的情况下用煽动来唤起一件已正确处理过的争论,犯 Pacittiya。 
64。 Should any bhikkhu knowingly conceal another bhikkhu's serious offense; it is to be confessed。 
64。 任何比丘在知道的情况下隐瞒另一比丘的严重犯戒,犯 Pacittiya。 
65。 Should any bhikkhu knowingly give full ordination to an individual less than twenty years of age; the individual is not ordained and the bhikkhus are blameworthy; and as for him (the preceptor),it is to be confessed。 
65。 任何比丘在知道的情况下给一个未满二十岁的人出家,那个人等于没出家,比丘该被责备,而比丘犯 Pacittiya。 
66。 Should any bhikkhu knowingly and by arrangement travel together with a caravan of thieves; even for the interval between one village and the next; it is to be confessed。 
66。 任何比丘在知道的情况下安排和一车的贼一同出行,甚至只有一个存镇和下个的时间,犯 Pacittiya。 
67。 Should any bhikkhu; by arrangement; travel together with a woman; even for the interval between one village and the next; it is to be confessed。 
67。 任何比丘安排和女人一同出行,甚至只有一个存镇和下个的时间,犯 Pacittiya。 
68。 Should any bhikkhu say the following: 〃As I understand the Dhamma taught by the Blessed One; those acts the Blessed One says are obstructive for me; when indulged in; are not genuine obstructions;〃 the bhikkhus should admonish him thus: 〃Do not say that; venerable sir。 Do not misrepresent the Blessed One; for it is not good to misrepresent the Blessed One。 The Blessed One would not say anything like that。 In many ways; friend; the Blessed One has described obstructive acts; and when indulged in they are genuine obstructions。〃 
And should the bhikkhu; thus admonished by the bhikkhus; persist as before; the bhikkhus are to rebuke him up to three times so as to desist。 If while being rebuked up to three times he desists; that is good。 If he does not desist; it is to be confessed。 
68。 任何比丘误解佛法而被训诫三次仍不改,犯 Pacittiya。 
69。 Should any bhikkhu knowingly consort; join in munion; or lie down in the same lodging with a bhikkhu professing such a view who has not acted in pliance with the rule; who has not abandoned that view; it is to be confessed。 
69。 任何比丘在知道的情况下和一个观念不正确而未摒弃那观念的比丘结伴,同伙,或住在同一房舍里,犯 Pacittiya。 
70。 And if a novice should say the following: 〃As I understand the Dhamma taught by the Blessed One; those acts the Blessed One says are obstructive for me when indulged in; are not genuine obstructions;〃 the bhikkhus should admonish him thus: 〃Do not say that; friend novice。 Do not misrepresent the Blessed One; for it is not good to misrepresent the Blessed One。 The Blessed One would not say anything like that。 In many ways; friend; the Blessed One has described obstructive acts; and when indulged in they are genuine obstructions。〃 
And should that novice; thus admonished by the bhikkhus; persist as before; the bhikkhus should admonish him as follows: 〃From this day forth; friend novice; you are not to claim the Blessed One as your teacher; nor are you even to have the opportunity the other novices get  that of sharing lodgings two or three nights with the bhikkhus。 Away with you! Out of our sight! (literally; 'Get lost!')〃 
Should any bhikkhu knowingly support; receive services from; consort with; or lie down in the same lodging with a novice thus expelled; it is to be confessed。 
70。 任何见习比丘误解佛法而被训诫三次仍不改,而任何比丘在知道的情况下支持那见习比丘,接受服务,与其结伴,或住在同一房舍里犯 Pacittiya。 
第八章: 戒律
71。 Should any bhikkhu; admonished by the bhikkhus in accordance with a rule; say; 〃Friends; I will not train myself under this training rule until I have put questions about it to another bhikkhu; experienced and learned in the discipline;〃 it is to be confessed。 Bhikkhus; (a training rule) is to be understood; is to be asked about; is to be pondered。 This is the proper course here。 
71。 任何比丘被依法训诫后,如不依法,犯 Pacittiya。 
72。 Should any bhikkhu; when the Patimokkha is being repeated; say; 〃Why are these lesser and minor training rules repeated when they lead only to anxiety; bother and confusion?〃 the criticism of the training rules is to be confessed。 
72。 任何比丘,当律藏被重述时,批评较不重要和较低的戒律时,犯 Pacittiya。 
73。 Should any bhikkhu; when the Patimokkha is being recited every half…month; say; 〃Just now have I heard that this case; too; is handed down in the Patimokkha; is included in the Patimokkha; and es up for recitation every half…month;〃 and if other bhikkhus should know; 〃That bhikkhu has already sat through two or three recitations of the Patimokkha; if not more;〃 the bhikkhu is not exempted for being ignorant。 Whatever the offense he has mitted; he is to be dealt with in accordance with the rule; and in addition; his deception is to be exposed: 〃It is no gain for you; friend; it is ill…done; that when the Patimokkha is being recited; you do not pay proper attention and take it to heart。〃 Here the deception is to be confessed。 
73。 任何比丘,当律藏被重述时,提出意见 (如律藏不全),而却不实,犯 Pacittiya。 
74。 Should any bhikkhu; angered and displeased; give a blow to (another) bhikkhu; it is to be confessed。 
74。 任何比丘因生气和不满重击另一比丘,犯 Pacittiya。 
75。 Should any bhikkhu; angered and displeased; raise his hand against (another) bhikkhu; it is to be confessed。 
75。 任何比丘因生气和不满升起手攻击另一比丘,犯 Pacittiya。 
76。 Should any bhikkhu charge a bhikkhu with an unfounded sanghadisesa (offense),it is to be confessed。 
76。 任何比丘无凭证的指责另一比丘犯 Sanghadisesa; 犯 Pacittiya。 
77。 Should any bhikkhu purposefully provoke anxiety in (another) bhikkhu; (thinking;) 〃This way; even for just a moment; he will have no peace〃  if doing it for just this reason and no other  it is to be confessed。 
77。 任何比丘恶意的使另一比丘忧虑,心想,「这样他就没有平静」  如果只为此而作  犯 Pacittiya。 
78。 Should any bhikkhu stand eavesdropping on bhikkhus when they are arguing; quarreling; and disputing; thinking; 〃I will overhear what they say〃  if doing it for just this reason and no other  it is to be confessed。 
78。 任何比丘窃听其它比丘讨论,争论,辩论,心想,「我会无意间听到他们;」 如果只为此而作  犯 Pacittiya。 
79。 Should any bhikkhu; having given consent (by proxy) to a formal act carried out in accordance with the rule; later plain (about the act),it is to be confessed。 
79。 任何比丘接受了依法而行动作后,之后抱怨,犯 Pacittiya。 
80。 Should any bhikkhu; when deliberation is being carried on in the munity; get up from his seat and leave without having given consent; it is to be confessed。 
80。 任何比丘,当僧团在进行仪式时,从他座起未被允许而离开,犯 Pacittiya。 
81。 Should any bhikkhu; (acting as part of) a munity in concord; give robe…cloth (to an individual bhikkhu) and later plain; 〃The bhikkhus apportion the munity's gains according to friendship;〃 it is to be confessed。 
81。 任何比丘给予另一比丘僧袍,之后抱怨,「比丘们依朋友关系分摊利益;」 犯 Pacittiya。 
82。 Should any bhikkhu knowingly divert to an individual gains that had been allocated for the munity; it is to be confessed。 
82。 任
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