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s initial and subsequent meetings of the munity。 
9。 当生气,不满,恶意,只是为了娱乐控告另一位比丘犯 Parajika 时,犯 Sanghadisesa。 
10。 Should any bhikkhu agitate for a schism in a munity in concord; or should he persist in taking up an issue conducive to schism; the bhikkhus should admonish him thus: 〃Do not; Ven。 sir; agitate for a schism in a munity in concord or persist in taking up an issue conducive to schism。 Let the venerable one be reconciled with the munity; for a munity in concord; on plimentary terms; free from dispute; having a mon recitation; dwells in peace。〃 
And should that bhikkhu; admonished thus by the bhikkhus; persist as before; the bhikkhus are to rebuke him up to three times so as to desist。 If while being rebuked up to three times he desists; that is good。 If he does not desist; it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the munity。 
10。 动摇僧团并想其分裂,如果被训诫三次仍不改,犯 Sanghadisesa。 
11。 Should bhikkhus  one; two; or three  who are followers and partisans of that bhikkhu; say; 〃Do not; Ven。 sirs; admonish that bhikkhu in any way。 He is an exponent of the Dhamma; an exponent of the Vinaya。 He acts with our consent and approval。 He knows; he speaks for us; and that is pleasing to us;〃 other bhikkhus are to admonish them thus: 〃Do not say that; Ven。 sirs。 That bhikkhu is not an exponent of the Dhamma and he is not an exponent of the Vinaya。 Do not; Ven。 sirs; approve of a schism in the munity。 Let the venerable ones' (minds) be reconciled with the munity; for a munity in concord; on plimentary terms; without dispute; with a mon recitation; dwells in peace。〃 
And should those bhikkhus; thus admonished; persist as before; the bhikkhus are to rebuke them up to three times so as to desist。 If while being rebuked up to three times by the bhikkhus they desist; that is good。 If they do not desist; it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the munity。 
11。 一群比丘 (一人,二人,或更多) 崇尚一个比丘而不允许他人训诫他,如果这群比丘因这事被训诫三次仍不改,犯 Sanghadisesa。 
12。 In case a bhikkhu is by nature difficult to admonish  who; when being legitimately admonished by the bhikkhus with reference to the training rules included in the (Patimokkha) recitation; makes himself unadmonishable (saying),〃Do not; venerable ones; say anything to me; good or bad; and I will not say anything to the venerable ones; good or bad。 Refrain; venerable ones; from admonishing me〃  the bhikkhus should admonish him thus: 〃Let the venerable one not make himself unadmonishable。 Let the venerable one make himself admonishable。 Let the venerable one admonish the bhikkhus in accordance with what is right; and the bhikkhus will admonish the venerable one in accordance with what is right; for it is thus that the Blessed One's following is nurtured: through mutual admonition; through mutual rehabilitation。〃 
And should that bhikkhu; thus admonished by the bhikkhus; persist as before; the bhikkhus are to be rebuke him up to three times so as to desist。 If while being rebuked up to three times he desists; that is good。 If he does not desist; it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the munity。 
12。 如果一个比丘因性格而难受他人训诫,在合乎戒律的规则下被他人训诫而不受,如果超过三次仍不改, 犯 Sanghadisesa。 
13。 In case a bhikkhu living in dependence on a certain village or town is a corrupter of families; a man of depraved conduct  whose depraved conduct is both seen and heard about; and the families he has corrupted are both seen and heard about  the bhikkhus are to admonish him thus: 〃You; Ven。 sir; are a corrupter of families; a man of depraved conduct。 Your depraved conduct is both seen and heard about; the families you have corrupted are both seen and heard about。 Leave this monastery; Ven。 sir。 Enough of your staying here。〃 
And should that bhikkhu; thus admonished by the bhikkhus; say about the bhikkhus; 〃The bhikkhus are prejudiced by favoritism; prejudiced by aversion; prejudiced by delusion; prejudiced by fear; in that for this sort of offense they banish some and do not banish others;〃 the bhikkhus are to admonish him thus: 〃Do not say that; Ven。 sir。 The bhikkhus are not prejudiced by favoritism; are not prejudiced by aversion; are not prejudiced by delusion; are not prejudiced by fear。 You; Ven。 sir; are a corrupter of families; a man of depraved conduct。 Your depraved conduct is both seen and heard about; and the families you have corrupted are both seen and heard about。 Leave this monastery; Ven。 sir。 Enough of your staying here。〃 
And should that bhikkhu; thus admonished by the bhikkhus; persist as before; the bhikkhus are to rebuke him up to three times so as to desist。 If while being rebuked up to three times he desists; that is good。 If he does not desist; it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the munity。 
13。 如果一比丘是村庄或镇里家庭的腐败者,他的行为是卑鄙的。当这事被看见和听见,而那些受害家庭被看见和听见。如果他被训诫三次仍不改,犯 Sanghadisesa。

1。 Should any bhikkhu sit in private; alone with a woman in a seat secluded enough to lend itself (to the sexual act),so that a female lay follower whose word can be trusted; having seen (them),might describe it as constituting any of three cases  involving either defeat; munal meetings; or confession  then the bhikkhu; acknowledging having sat (there),may be dealt with for any of the three cases  involving defeat; munal meetings; or confession  or he may be dealt with for whichever case the female lay follower described。 This case is undetermined。 
1。 任何比丘私下独自和女人坐在一起,足够可以发生性行为。而一位可被信任的女信众看到了他们,她可能将其叙述为犯了以下三种戒律:Parajika; Sanghadisesa; 或Pacittiya。 而这位比丘承认了有坐在那里,有可能受任何这三种处份:Parajika; Sanghadisesa; 或Pacittiya。 或者任何其它女信众所描述的情况。这件事是不一定的。
2。 In case a seat is not sufficiently secluded to lend itself (to the sexual act) but sufficiently so to address lewd words to a woman; should any bhikkhu sit in private; alone with a woman in such a seat; so that a female lay follower whose word can be trusted; having seen them; would describe it as constituting either of two cases  involving munal meetings or confession  then the bhikkhu; acknowledging having sat (there),is to be dealt with for either of the two cases  involving munal meetings or confession  or he is to be dealt with for whichever case the female lay follower described。 This case too is undetermined。 
2。 任何比丘私下独自和女人坐在一起,不足够可以发生性行为,但足够可以对她说猥亵的字语。而一位可被信任的女信众看到了他们,她可能将其叙述为犯了以下两种戒律:Sanghadisesa; 或Pacittiya。 而这位比丘承认了有坐在那里,有可能受任何这两种处份:Sanghadisesa; 或Pacittiya。 或者任何其它女信众所描述的情况。这件事也是不一定的。

三十尼萨耆波逸提法(Nissaggiya Pacittiya)
比丘犯这条戒律要告白和受到 「没收。」 
第一章: 僧袍布
1。 When a bhikkhu has finished his robe…making and the frame is destroyed (his kathina privileges are in abeyance),he is to keep an extra robe…cloth ten days at most。 Beyond that; it is to be forfeited and confessed。 
1。 当比丘完成他的僧袍制做之后,他最多只能保留一块多的僧袍布十天,超过的话犯 Nissaggiya Pacitt
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