奥古斯都·S.F.X.凡杜森教授,又名思考机器,第三次读着眼前的一封信。信纸在桌上展开,他的眼睛眯成一线,从厚厚的镜片后望出来。那个把信拿给他的年轻女孩,伊丽莎白·德文小姐,耐心地坐在思考机器家中小接待室的沙发上等着。她天蓝色的眼睛睁得大大的,紧盯着眼前这位能帮她解决天大难题的科学家。 信上写着:To those Concerned Tired of it all I seek the end, and am content. Ambition now is dead; the grave yawns greedily at my feet, and with the labor of my own hands lost I greet death of my own will, by my own act. To my son I leave all, and you who m